Busy Schedule? Now You Can Take Time To Train With THMA!

Interested in taking our CNA-accredited Foundation Courses in Medical Aesthetics but don’t have time to invest in the four days of comprehensive virtual training? We have good news here for busy people with career goals!

THMA now allows program participants to receive the recorded link of Foundation Courses 1-3 modules and absorb the complete medical aesthetics training on your own time. The Zoom link of selected courses will be viewable for two weeks.

We still encourage Foundation Course participants to do this training ‘in-person’ as the live interactivity allows for questions, answers and clarifications. But we know that how busy everyone is and that time can be limited. We have heard from a number of people who can’t do four hours of time four days in a row. To better fit individual schedules, we will provide access to the training on Botox, fillers and medical aesthetics standards through a virtual Zoom recording.

Note that these documents have copyright and privacy protection for the security of THMA property. The recipients must agree that recordings are for individual use only and cannot be shared or disseminated in any way.

 All participants will be tested on Courses 1-2 before proceeding to the in-person Component 4: Hands-on Training to conclude this education program. Check the training schedule here. Access to the virtual link is closed after two weeks. But as always, THMA training participants can sit in on training again to refresh their education .

 “I absolutely love that we are able to take the Foundation Course over and over again. This was my 3rd or 4th time and I always learn something new from each lecture.” – Tynesa Wells, Winnipeg, April 3, 2023

Click here to read more about our CNA-accredited and comprehensive Foundation Courses.

Also read about THMA Mentoring for sharpening skills learned in training.