Training and Networking to Build Collaboration Practices

Jennifer knows from experience that good Authorized Prescribers foster collaborative relationships with nurses in independent practices. Knowledge, trust and support are key principles in her Authorized Prescriber training for THMA Consulting.

We truly feel fortunate to have Jennifer Holman NP joining our national training team, bringing her positive personality and extensive experience in medical aesthetics to our virtual course Authorized Prescriber in Collaborative Practice.  Jennifer’s expanded role with THMA Consulting also sees her connecting  Authorized Prescribers with RNs and RPNs looking to set their own practices.

Jennifer Holman NP

“I’m excited about this great opportunity,” Jennifer told us.  “I feel honored to joining a team with so many other wonderful nursing healthcare professionals.”

The 3-hour online Authorized Prescriber course on the 1st Tuesday of every month gives Nurse Practitioners, physicians and nurse injectors a didactic understanding of medical directives in the field of medical aesthetics. We believe it’s beneficial for everyone in medical aesthetics to take this course. That includes NPs and physicians who want to become an AP as well as regulated health care professionals like RNs and RPNs who might be opening or considering an independent business.

Note: We prefer to use Authorized Prescriber rather than Medical Director. This aligns with Health Canada’s reference to Authorized Prescribers and Authorized Providers in medical aesthetics. Plus, the acronym MD obviously doesn’t work here!


Jennifer: experienced and approachable.

Jennifer has been a Nurse Practitioner for 12 years and operates her own medical aesthetics clinic in Bradford, Ont.  She will open a second Real Beauty RX clinic later this year in Innisfil, closer to her home in Barrie.

Jennifer has been an Authorized Prescriber for five years, and now works with 9 nurses. That first-hand experience, and her communication skills and thorough understanding of College regulations, make her a perfect fit at THMA Consulting. That especially benefits everyone who seeks a knowledge-based education through our training course and wants to be an AP or work with an AP.

The keys are collaboration and trust and communication

“A good AP has to have that collaborative mindset. And trust. When you are working alongside another nurse on the same level and supporting them in their business, there should not be any hierarchy in that relationship. The role and responsibility of the AP is to give personalized attention to nurses.”

I first met Jennifer at an Ultrasound course in Calgary in 2021. She’s part of the team now!


Besides teaching this monthly Supplementary Course, and doing Hands-on Training in the THMA Medical Aesthetics Foundation Course, Jennifer administers a Facebook page for THMA Consulting for Authorized Prescribers and Nurse Practitioners.  It’s an online opportunity for anyone in medical aesthetics to ask about medical directives and the business side of medical aesthetics.

Jennifer is, once again, perfect for this: very approachable and easy to talk to.

“I’m there to answer questions and connect people,” Jennifer says.  “I will point anyone who doesn’t have the training to go to THMA Consulting first. And full circle, I will be available to those who are looking to be APs, or for nurses who setting up independent practices. The networking is a great tool.”

It’s so great that Jennifer is on the same page with us. She supports our commitment to uphold and promote professionalism in medical aesthetics. She believes strongly in creating safe environments for the injector and the patient through education. Welcome to the THMA team!

The Authorizing Prescriber is mandatory in medical aesthetics clinics where RNs or RPNs are working within their scope of practice.  An Authorizing Prescriber must have the regulatory knowledge, skills and judgement to create safe and ethical environments for patients. Authorized Providers are also accountable for their education and ability to perform delegated acts.

Register for training with THMA Consulting here.