thma research committee
A THMA initiative to create an extensive research committee aims to help establish best practices in aesthetic medicine, promote professional development, and advance educational resources for nurses in the specialty.
THMA growth 2025
There are many reasons to be very excited about a New Year in 2025. Aesthetic medicine will continue to be a viable career option for nurses in Canada, and THMA is putting even more emphasis on developing and fostering safe, successful practices.
Allyson Arychuk at Gloa Medical Aesthetics NWT
It was a lot of hard work, but Allyson Arychuk says the opening of her Glóa Medical Aesthetics Clinic in Yellowknife has been incredibly rewarding. “The journey has been amazing. I am so thankful for the support from the community and my THMA family.”
Shay Bloo Ottawa THMA Trainer
Can one phone call change your life? Can solving a personal challenge give you professional focus? Ask Shay Bloo, our fantastic new clinical trainer in Ottawa, and she’ll give you a definite YES to both questions.
Professional clean clinical environment
Patient safety, we’re taught in school, is a fundamental and essential principle in all fields of medicine. That includes aesthetic medicine, of course. Whether in training or practice, the clinical environment presents the first appearance of professionalism.
Morgan's Blog
Morgan MacLeod-Uhlman has come a long way in a short period of time. Since July 2023, the Halifax RN has taken many THMA training courses and has opened her own practice in Bedford. Now, Sculpted Medical Aesthetics is our primary training centre in Halifax.
CMAC conference UK
A whirlwind couple of weeks of travel and education in aesthetic medicine took me and THMA trainers to the U.S. and U.K. for two high-level conferences. In the ever-evolving world of aesthetic medicine, we love these opportunities to learn and share!
Energy-based Treatment Courses with Tracey Mancuso
THMA is pleased to have one the world’s foremost authorities on energy-based medicine teaching our new Energy-based Treatment Courses. Tracey Mancuso’s training will give providers a solid ‘how and why’ to give patients better and safer outcomes.
Survey forecasts growth in medical aesthetics
A recent survey on the U.S. medical aesthetics industry is delivering great reasons for optimism in Canada. The analytical report highlights current growth and a potential upsurge for providers now and for those considering a career in medical aesthetics.